Los Alamos Chamber News

News items of the Los Alamos Chamber of Commerce

Moving On Up!

This is the tale of two companies, Piñon PC and Enterprise Computing Systems, and two people, Heather and Brady Burke, who have combined to create a synergy where the whole is greater than the parts. Heather started her Piñon PC business in 1995, and Brady founded ECS...

Business Help After Las Conchas Fire

The Chamber jumped in to help local businesses while the Las Conchas fire was still burning. First by staying in touch with members via e-mail, cell phone and social networking and then by working with partners to get low-interest (and zero interest) loans lined up...

Destination Initiative a Catalyst for Action

“Great workshop with ideas I’ll use right away,” and “I want to go to the bootcamp,” were among many favorable comments following Jon Schallert’s presentation in August on community reinvention and making a business a destination. The workshop was a condensed version...

Results on Las Conchas Cash Flow Loans

The Los Alamos Chamber was quick to move on making funding available to cover the interest cost for members needing lines of credit in the wake of the Las Conchas fire. The Chamber funding together with low interest loans offered by member banks such as LANB meant...

Bright Youth, Bright Members

The Chamber’s 2011 Summer internship program is winding down and the results of surveys of participants have been extremely positive. “What a great program!” says Clay Peres, Business Manager at Ski Pajarito. “Our intern finished his last day with us on Saturday and...

Three Hundred Members & Growing

For more than three years now I have introduced the Chamber as an organization of nearly 300 members. I’ll have to change my tune, now that we have surpassed that mark. All the credit for growth of the Chamber is due to you, the Chamber members. You have kept your...

Spotlight: Blue Window Bistro

Nearly 30 years after first opening    its doors, the Blue    Window Bistro    is now owned    and managed by    Melissa Paternoster.    Melissa bought it    in her senior year at    UNM one year ago    and has been busy    making innovations    to offer more to   ...

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